Friday, March 23, 2012

Week 2

In this week, we discussed abouts how  and why HTML 5 is mo effective than HTML 4. it is much interesting where by alike HTML 4, in HTML 5 we can insert audios and videos and even different tags like canvas tag.
  We also discussed on some of the features of web page-how it should be;
firstly consistency - bgcolor...etc
contrast - combination of bgcolor and text color and etc............
We too discussed about the most effective website for us to learn HTML more conveniently.

Friday, March 9, 2012

Week 1

We started our lesson by presenting our web designs which was assigned as homework in our previous class.
Two of our fellow mates shared their work to the class and the rest of us presented in our groups. We were asked to present in small groups to get instant suggestions and feedback.

I felt more comfortable presenting in small group and got necessary feedback.
The very first week was all about designing a sample web page in the chart.